46th Snowarama
Snowarama for Easter Seals Saturday February 25, 2023Â
 Hard to believe it has been 46 years for Snowarama!Â
Snowarama is a fundraising family friendly event that combines winter fun and community support for “Easter Seals” Saskatchewan. We were very excited to “welcome” Snowarama Back in person after Covid and very happy to have 160 past and new participants take part in our 46TH annual snowmobile ride. In addition, what we call the Arizona Chapter which includes past Snowarama riders, rallied friends to raise funds and ride motorcycles in the desert instead of up here on their snowmobiles. That group of approximately 24 participants raised an amazing total of $65,000.00, a big “Thanks” goes out to all of them. New this year was the “Bowlarama for Snowarama” event. Bowlarama involved individuals who participate in Easter Seal programs. Eleven teams consisting of 41 bowlers showed support by raising pledges and bowling on the Friday before Snowarama raising $12,454.00 at this inaugural event, it will surely be on next years agenda.Â
 Every pledge raised, and the corporate sponsorships contribute to making a difference. We are very pleased and honored to announce the record-breaking total of over $206,000.00 that was raised to support camp Easter at Manitou Beach, as well as Summer Fun, and Adaptive Technologies Services.Â
 I have been very fortunate to have participated and ridden in all 46 Snowaramaâs and have chaired the event for many years. We have a great committee and wonderful people at Sask Abilities to work with. A big “Thanks” to all that keep making the Snowarama happen year after year.Â
 Barry Bradshaw, SSA Board & Snowarama ChairÂ